
The Christian Proclamation

Even accepting the age old understanding that Christian preachers are "servants of the Word" it is still an obvious reality that there is no imposed uniformity as to what the preacher looks and sounds like. Styles and methodology may be as diverse as the personalities of those called to the office. I suspect that people outside the church are sometimes more accepting of that diversity than are those within its membership. As always the challenge is to get past the human externals and connect with the essence of the message.

The seal of Westminster Theological Seminary which illustrates the centrality of preaching.

What do I want to say about preaching?

My life has been defined by preaching. However, I am not proposing to try to tell other preachers how to do it. I wish simply to share some experiences and reflections with the hope that others (including non-preachers) will choose to respond and share their experiences too.